Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Participation Web

So there is this huge movement of marketeers to "engage" consumers.

But that is the very crux of the problem. We've been passive consumers of information ever since TV became pervasive. The whole premise of the Internet was to encourage exchange, not just be yet another consume-only feed.

How about we talk about the Participation Web?

That requires two aspects:
  1. People actually participating, not just consuming
  2. And producers offering services and content that truly engage, and who encourage potential participants to get involved.
How do we get there?

It requires a cultural shift, probably more evolutionary (smooth transition) than revolutionary (abandon all that was before). There will be parallel paths, overlap, for quite a while.

There will be those opposed in principle, or due to vested interests in the old way.

There will be those skeptical, critical thinkers (which we need more of). Who perhaps might come up with a third path, alternatives, middle grounds, integrative approaches (very valuable, but from a demographics perspective, probably a minority).

And there will be those lost, unsure how to approach. This second group is a huge opportunity for educators, trainers, coaches, consultants, and media platform & content providers.

Just make sure you keep above points 1 and 2 in mind!

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